Monday, August 17, 2009

meditation and yoga music

iam fond of listen to light music.when i was studying eleventh standard in my cousin's house.
i first listen to meditation music (gayathri mantra) in my cousin house.i was in eccentric feeling .
day by day i listen all type of music .thanks to my i was enthuasiastic to all kinds of meditation and yoga music.

if u listen to such music you will be meditate in nature .

i suggest some music which will help in relaxation and peace.

1.flute music of Nawang Khechog

2.Kip_Mazuy 's bliss music

3.sacred chants of shiva by art of living .

4.Rattan Sharma songs

5.Baird Hersey prana music

6.craigpruess's music

7.glenvelez drum sound really it will rise your adi shakthi in your body.

8.shiva rea

9.deva perumal songs.



12.Niladri Kumar and Chinmaya Dunster.

13.osho mediation music -a powerful

14.jagjit singh songs really it will shows realty of lord krisna

15.deuter music

16.uma mohan and gayathridevi .

1 comment:

  1. The practice of yoga has been around for hundreds of years (or more). It originated in India, and was introduced by holy men (called Yogis) who would meditate for days together, in order to train their minds and bodies, and to achieve a sense of well being.

    dahn yoga classes
